
This module contains of functions for performing mathematical operations such as logarithm, square root, trigonometric e.t.c.

It is also a wrapper file for the Mathic dynamic module. The module is loaded once when this file is first call. Using the mathic block directly is not consider safe as it does not check the parameter for incompatible types or object and can result to runtime error. Most of the blocks implemented in this file has a dynamic call but is not consider safe to call the dynamic blocks directly.


All the blocks are public and does not require any type of initialization because it has no class. All the function in this file is accessible by calling it.
call simple.util.Math

A more elaborate example is present at simple.util.Math Test

copyright:2018-2019, Azeez Adewale
license:MIT License Copyright (c) 2018 simple
author:Azeez Adewale <>
date:February 5 2017

Table Of Content

Fields/Blocks/Classes Summary
module simple.util  
Called Modules  
final MathE Exponential number used in natural log and expApproximation of the mathematical constant e to 11 digit after decimal point.
final MathPI The ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter.Approximation of the mathematical constant pi / π to 11 digit
final $MathModule The math module in a printable string simple.utilites.Math
final $MathNotNumber Exception message to indicate the parameter is not a valid number
final $MathLessThan Exception message thrown if the parameter is less than a number
final $MathLessThanOne Exception message thrown if the parameter is less than 1
final $MathLessThanMinusOne Exception message thrown if the parameter is less than -1
final $MathNotBetweenOne Exception message thrown if the parameter is not between -1 and 1
final $MathNotEqual Exception message to indicate parameter cannot be equal to a number
block MathE() Exponential number used in natural log and expApproximation of the mathematical constant e to 11 digit after decimal point.
block MathPI() The ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter.Approximation of the mathematical constant pi / π to 11 digit
block abs(number) Determine the absolute value of a number. Determining the absolute number makes it positive.
block min(fNumber, sNumber) Determine the number that is smaller between the two parameters. If both parameter are zerothe first number is negated then the second number is minus from it and the negated result
block max(fNumber, sNumber) Determine the number that is larger between the two parameters. If both parameter are zerothe second number is negated and then minus from the first number to give the correct larger
block sin(number) Determine the sine trigonometric function sin of a number. The sine value of 0 remainsremain 0.
block cos(number) Determine the cosine trigonometric function cos of a number. The cosine value of 0 remainsremain 0.
block tan(number) Determine the tangent trigonometric function tan of a number. The tangent value of 0 remains 0.
block asin(number) Determine the arc sine trigonometric function arcsin of a number. The arc sine value of 0 remains 0. The range of angles returned is -pi/2 to pi/2 radians (-90 to 90 degrees).
block acos(number) Determine the arc cosine trigonometric function arccos of a number. The arc cosine value of 0 remains0. The range of angles returned is -pi/2 to pi/2 radians (-90 to 90 degrees).
block atan(number) Determine the arc tangent trigonometric function arctan of a number. The arc tangent value of 0 remains0. The range of angles returned is -pi/2 to pi/2 radians (-90 to 90 degrees).
block atan2(y, x) Convert rectangular coordinate (x, y) correct quadrant. It calculate the arc tangent of x and y in the range of -180 and 180 degrees.
block sinh(number) Determine the hyperbolic sine of a number.
block cosh(number) Determine the hyperbolic cosine of a number.
block tanh(number) Determine the hyperbolic tangent of a number.
block asinh(number) Determine the nonnegative area hyperbolic sine of a number.
block acosh(number) Determine the nonnegative area hyperbolic cosine of a number.
block atanh(number) Determine the nonnegative area hyperbolic tangent of a number.
block exp(number) Determine the exponential value of a number. The opposite of block log(number)
block log(number) Determine the natural logarithm (base-e logarithm) of a number. The opposite of block exp(number)
block sqrt(number) Determine the square root of a number. To find cube root of a number call the block cbrt(number) instead,to determine the other root use pow(number, 1/rootNum)
block cbrt(number) Determine the cube root of a number. To find square root of a number call the block sqrt(number) instead,to determine the other root use pow(number, 1/rootNum)
block pow(fNumber,sNumber) Raise a number to a power of another number.
block ceil(number) Determine the nearest integer that is greater than or equal to the number parameter. If the param number is between -1 and 0 the result is -0.
block floor(number) Determine the nearest integer that is less than or equal to the number parameter.
block rint(number) Determine the value of the number rounded to a nearby integral (as a floating-point value). If the floating-pointsare between two number the Even number will be worked on. It round to the nearest.
block round(number) Determine the value of the number rounded to a nearby integral with halfway cases rounded away from zero. The block function is same as floor(number + 0.5f). It round to the nearest.
block nearbyint(number) Determine the value of the number rounded to a nearby integral (as a floating-point value). If the floating-pointsare between two number the Even number will be worked on. It round to the nearest. Similar to block rint(number) block
block fmod(fNumber,sNumber) Determine floating point remainder of the fNumber / sNumber with the quotient truncated (rounded towards zero). It round to the nearest.
block remainder(fNumber,sNumber) Determine floating point remainder of the fNumber / sNumber. It round to the nearest. Similar to block fmod(fNumber,sNumber) block
block trunc(number) Determine the nearest integral value that is not larget in magnitude than the number rounding it toward zero
block toRadians(number) Convert from degree to radian using the formula radians = degrees * (pi/180)
block toDegrees(number) Convert from radian to degree using the formula degrees = radians * (180/pi)
block log10(number) Determine the base 10 logarithm of a number.
block frexp(number) Breaks the floating point number into its binary significand (a floating point with an absolute value between 0.5(included) and 1.0(excluded)) and an integral exponent for 2, such that:
block ldexp(number,exp) Deterine the result of multiplying the number (the significand) by 2 raised to the power of exp (the exponent)
block modf(number) Breaks the number into an integral and a fractional part. The integer part is stored in the object pointed by intpart, and the fractional part is returned by the function. Both parts have the same sign as the number
block exp2(number) Determine the base-2 exponential function of a nuber, which is 2 raised to the power the number: 2x
block expm1(number) Determine the value of e raised to the power a number minus one: ex-1
block ilogb(number) Determine the integral part of the logarithm of x, using 2 or greater as base for the logarithm.This is the exponent used internally by the machine to express the floating-point value x, when it uses
block log1p(number) Determine the natural logarithm of one plus the number. for small magnitude values of number, block log1p(number) may be more accurate than block log(number) log( 1 + x )
block log2(number) Determine the binary (base-2) logarithm of a number
block logb(number) Determine the the logarithm of a number, using 2 as base for the logarithm. Almost equivalent to block log2(number) for positive number
block scalbln(number,exp) Scales a number by 2 raised to the power of n, returning the result of computing:
block hypot(x,y) Determine what would be the square root of the sum of the squares of x and y (as per the Pythagorean theorem), but without incurring in undue overflow or underflow of intermediate values
block numsign(number) Determine the sign of the number in the following format
block vmDecimalPoints(place) By Default all decimal number in simple-lang is round down to 2 floating point. This block changes the number of floating point decimal are rounded to. Using this block make all the number through out the program have the number
block random() Generate a random number

module simple.util

Source: module simple.util Source.

Called Modules

Source: Called Modules Source.

final MathE

Source: final MathE Source.

Exponential number used in natural log and exp Approximation of the mathematical constant e to 11 digit after decimal point. 2.71828182846.

The e to the first 15 digits after the decimal point is 2.718281828459045

final MathPI

Source: final MathPI Source.

The ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. Approximation of the mathematical constant pi / π to 11 digit after the decimal point 3.14159265359. The*pi* / π constant to the first 50 digits after the decimal point.

3.14159 26535 89793 23846 26433 83279 50288 41971 69399 37510

final $MathModule

Source: final $MathModule Source.

The math module in a printable string simple.utilites.Math

final $MathNotNumber

Source: final $MathNotNumber Source.

Exception message to indicate the parameter is not a valid number

final $MathLessThan

Source: final $MathLessThan Source.

Exception message thrown if the parameter is less than a number

final $MathLessThanOne

Source: final $MathLessThanOne Source.

Exception message thrown if the parameter is less than 1

final $MathLessThanMinusOne

Source: final $MathLessThanMinusOne Source.

Exception message thrown if the parameter is less than -1

final $MathNotBetweenOne

Source: final $MathNotBetweenOne Source.

Exception message thrown if the parameter is not between -1 and 1

final $MathNotEqual

Source: final $MathNotEqual Source.

Exception message to indicate parameter cannot be equal to a number

block MathE()

Source: block MathE() Source.

Exponential number used in natural log and exp Approximation of the mathematical constant e to 11 digit after decimal point. 2.71828182846.

The e to the first 15 digits after the decimal point is 2.718281828459045

the e constant with the first 11 digits after the decimal point

block MathPI()

Source: block MathPI() Source.

The ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. Approximation of the mathematical constant pi / π to 11 digit after the decimal point 3.14159265359 The pi / π constant to the first 50 digits after the decimal point.

3.14159 26535 89793 23846 26433 83279 50288 41971 69399 37510

the pi / π constant with the first 11 digits after the decimal point

block abs(number)

Source: block abs(number) Source.

Determine the absolute value of a number. Determining the absolute number makes it positive.

num : Number
the number to determine it absolute value
final $MathNotNumber with title final $MathModule if the parameter is not a number
the absolute value of a number

block min(fNumber, sNumber)

Source: block min(fNumber, sNumber) Source.

Determine the number that is smaller between the two parameters. If both parameter are zero the first number is negated then the second number is minus from it and the negated result is returned, this deals with -0 and 0 that might behave strangely and can return 0 to be smaller than -0

fNumber : Number
the first number
sNumber : Number
the second number
final $MathNotNumber with title final $MathModule if one or all the parameters are not number
minimum number of the two numbers

block max(fNumber, sNumber)

Source: block max(fNumber, sNumber) Source.

Determine the number that is larger between the two parameters. If both parameter are zero the second number is negated and then minus from the first number to give the correct larger number.

fNumber : Number
the first number
sNumber : Number
the second number
final $MathNotNumber with title final $MathModule if one or all the parameters are not number
larger number of the two numbers

block sin(number)

Source: block sin(number) Source.

Determine the sine trigonometric function sin of a number. The sine value of 0 remains remain 0.

number : Number
the number to determine it sin value
final $MathNotNumber with title final $MathModule if the parameter is not a Number
the sine value of a radian angle number

block cos(number)

Source: block cos(number) Source.

Determine the cosine trigonometric function cos of a number. The cosine value of 0 remains remain 0.

number : Number
the number to determine it cos value
final $MathNotNumber with title final $MathModule if the parameter is not a Number
the cosine value of a radian angle number

block tan(number)

Source: block tan(number) Source.

Determine the tangent trigonometric function tan of a number. The tangent value of 0 remains 0.

number : Number
the number to determine it tan value
final $MathNotNumber with title final $MathModule if the parameter is not a Number
the tangent value of a radian angle number

block asin(number)

Source: block asin(number) Source.

Determine the arc sine trigonometric function arcsin of a number. The arc sine value of 0 remains 0. The range of angles returned is -pi/2 to pi/2 radians (-90 to 90 degrees).

number : Number
the number to determine it arc sine value
final $MathNotNumber with title final $MathModule if the parameter is not a Number
the arc sine value of the number in radian

block acos(number)

Source: block acos(number) Source.

Determine the arc cosine trigonometric function arccos of a number. The arc cosine value of 0 remains 0. The range of angles returned is -pi/2 to pi/2 radians (-90 to 90 degrees).

number : Number
the number to determine it arc csine value
final $MathNotNumber with title final $MathModule if the parameter is not a Number
the arc cosine value of the number in radian

block atan(number)

Source: block atan(number) Source.

Determine the arc tangent trigonometric function arctan of a number. The arc tangent value of 0 remains 0. The range of angles returned is -pi/2 to pi/2 radians (-90 to 90 degrees).

number : Number
the number to determine it arc tangent value
final $MathNotNumber with title final $MathModule if the parameter is not a Number
the arc tangent value of the number in radian

block atan2(y, x)

Source: block atan2(y, x) Source.

Convert rectangular coordinate (x, y) correct quadrant. It calculate the arc tangent of x and y in the range of -180 and 180 degrees.

y : Number
the floating point value representing a y-coordinate
x : Number
the floating point value representing an x-coordinate
final $MathNotNumber with title final $MathModule if one or all the parameters are not number
the arc tangent in radian of x/y based on the signs of both values to determine the correct quadrant

block sinh(number)

Source: block sinh(number) Source.

Determine the hyperbolic sine of a number.

number : Number
the hyperbolic angle
final $MathNotNumber with title final $MathModule if the parameter is not a Number
the hyperbolic sine value of the number

block cosh(number)

Source: block cosh(number) Source.

Determine the hyperbolic cosine of a number.

number : Number
the hyperbolic angle
final $MathNotNumber with title final $MathModule if the parameter is not a Number
the hyperbolic cosine value of the number

block tanh(number)

Source: block tanh(number) Source.

Determine the hyperbolic tangent of a number.

number : Number
the hyperbolic angle
final $MathNotNumber with title final $MathModule if the parameter is not a Number
the hyperbolic tangent value of the number

block asinh(number)

Source: block asinh(number) Source.

Determine the nonnegative area hyperbolic sine of a number.

number : Number
the hyperbolic angle
final $MathNotNumber with title final $MathModule if the parameter is not a Number
the Nonnegative area sine value of the number

block acosh(number)

Source: block acosh(number) Source.

Determine the nonnegative area hyperbolic cosine of a number.

number : Number
value whose area hyperbolic cosine is computed
final $MathNotNumber with title final $MathModule if the parameter is not a Number final $MathLessThanOne with title final $MathModule if the parameter is less than 1
Nonnegative area hyperbolic cosine of number, in the interval [0,+INFINITY]

block atanh(number)

Source: block atanh(number) Source.

Determine the nonnegative area hyperbolic tangent of a number.

number : Number
the value whose area hyperbolic tangent is computed, in the interval [-1,+1]
final $MathNotNumber with title final $MathModule if the parameter is not a Number
final $MathNotNumber with title final $MathModule if the parameter is not a Number final $MathNotEqual -1 or 1 with title final $MathModule if the parameter is -1 or 1
the Nonnegative area tangent value of the number

block exp(number)

Source: block exp(number) Source.

Determine the exponential value of a number. The opposite of block log(number)

number : Number
the number to raise to the power of
final $MathNotNumber with title final $MathModule if the parameter is not a Number
the exponential value of the number

block log(number)

Source: block log(number) Source.

Determine the natural logarithm (base-e logarithm) of a number. The opposite of block exp(number)

number : Number
the number to get the natural log of
final $MathNotNumber with title final $MathModule if the parameter is not a Number
the natural logarithm (base-e logarithm) of number

block sqrt(number)

Source: block sqrt(number) Source.

Determine the square root of a number. To find cube root of a number call the block cbrt(number) instead, to determine the other root use pow(number, 1/rootNum)

number : Number
the number to get the square root of
final $MathNotNumber with title final $MathModule if the parameter is not a Number
the square root of the number

block cbrt(number)

Source: block cbrt(number) Source.

Determine the cube root of a number. To find square root of a number call the block sqrt(number) instead, to determine the other root use pow(number, 1/rootNum)

number : Number
the number to get the cube root of
final $MathNotNumber with title final $MathModule if the parameter is not a Number
the cube root of the number

block pow(fNumber,sNumber)

Source: block pow(fNumber,sNumber) Source.

Raise a number to a power of another number.

fNumber : Number
the first number to be raised
sNumber : Number
the number to be raised to it power
final $MathNotNumber with title final $MathModule if one or all the parameters are not number
fNumber raised to the power of sNumber

block ceil(number)

Source: block ceil(number) Source.

Determine the nearest integer that is greater than or equal to the number parameter. If the param number is between -1 and 0 the result is -0.


ceil(number) == floor(-number)

number : Number
the number to be worked on
final $MathNotNumber with title final $MathModule if the parameter is not a Number
the nearest integer value greater than or equal to the number

block floor(number)

Source: block floor(number) Source.

Determine the nearest integer that is less than or equal to the number parameter.


ceil(number) == floor(-number)

number : Number
the number to be worked on
final $MathNotNumber with title final $MathModule if the parameter is not a Number
the largest integer value less than or equal to the number

block rint(number)

Source: block rint(number) Source.

Determine the value of the number rounded to a nearby integral (as a floating-point value). If the floating-points are between two number the Even number will be worked on. It round to the nearest.

number : Number
the number to be rounded
final $MathNotNumber with title final $MathModule if the parameter is not a Number
the number rounded to nearby integral

block round(number)

Source: block round(number) Source.

Determine the value of the number rounded to a nearby integral with halfway cases rounded away from zero. The block function is same as floor(number + 0.5f). It round to the nearest.

number : Number
the number to be rounded
final $MathNotNumber with title final $MathModule if the parameter is not a Number
the number rounded to nearby integral

block nearbyint(number)

Source: block nearbyint(number) Source.

Determine the value of the number rounded to a nearby integral (as a floating-point value). If the floating-points are between two number the Even number will be worked on. It round to the nearest. Similar to block rint(number) block

number : Number
the number to be rounded
final $MathNotNumber with title final $MathModule if the parameter is not a Number
the number rounded to nearby integral

block fmod(fNumber,sNumber)

Source: block fmod(fNumber,sNumber) Source.

Determine floating point remainder of the fNumber / sNumber with the quotient truncated (rounded towards zero). It round to the nearest.

fNumber : Number
value of the quotient numerator
sNumber : Number
value of the quotient denominator
final $MathNotNumber with title final $MathModule if the parameter is not a Number
the remainder of dividing the fNumber and sNumber parameters

block remainder(fNumber,sNumber)

Source: block remainder(fNumber,sNumber) Source.

Determine floating point remainder of the fNumber / sNumber. It round to the nearest. Similar to block fmod(fNumber,sNumber) block

fNumber : Number
value of the quotient numerator
sNumber : Number
value of the quotient denominator
final $MathNotNumber with title final $MathModule if the parameter is not a Number
the remainder of dividing the fNumber and sNumber parameters

block trunc(number)

Source: block trunc(number) Source.

Determine the nearest integral value that is not larget in magnitude than the number rounding it toward zero

number : Number
the number to be truncated
final $MathNotNumber with title final $MathModule if the parameter is not a Number
the number with the floating points truncated

block toRadians(number)

Source: block toRadians(number) Source.

Convert from degree to radian using the formula radians = degrees * (pi/180)

number : Number
the angle in degrees
final $MathNotNumber with title final $MathModule if the parameter is not a Number
the angle in radians

block toDegrees(number)

Source: block toDegrees(number) Source.

Convert from radian to degree using the formula degrees = radians * (180/pi)

number : Number
the angle in radians
final $MathNotNumber with title final $MathModule if the parameter is not a Number
the angle in degrees

block log10(number)

Source: block log10(number) Source.

Determine the base 10 logarithm of a number.

number : Number
number to get it base 10 logarithm of
final $MathNotNumber with title final $MathModule if the parameter is not a Number
the base 10 logarithm of the number

block frexp(number)

Source: block frexp(number) Source.

Breaks the floating point number into its binary significand (a floating point with an absolute value between 0.5(included) and 1.0(excluded)) and an integral exponent for 2, such that:

number = significand * 2 ^ exponent

The exponent is stored in the location pointed by exp, and the significand is the value returned by the function If the number is zero, both parts (significand and exponent) are zero. If the number is negative, the significand returned by this function is negative

number : Number
value to be decomposed
final $MathNotNumber with title final $MathModule if the parameter is not a Number
a list with binary significand of the number at the first index and the value where the exponent is stored at the second index

block ldexp(number,exp)

Source: block ldexp(number,exp) Source.

Deterine the result of multiplying the number (the significand) by 2 raised to the power of exp (the exponent)

number : Number
point value representing the significand
exp : Number
value of the exponent
final $MathNotNumber with title final $MathModule if the parameter is not a Number
number * 2 ^ exp

block modf(number)

Source: block modf(number) Source.

Breaks the number into an integral and a fractional part. The integer part is stored in the object pointed by intpart, and the fractional part is returned by the function. Both parts have the same sign as the number

number : Number
the floating point value to break into parts
final $MathNotNumber with title final $MathModule if the parameter is not a Number
the fractional part of x, with the same sign

block exp2(number)

Source: block exp2(number) Source.

Determine the base-2 exponential function of a nuber, which is 2 raised to the power the number: 2x

number : Number
the value of the exponent
final $MathNotNumber with title final $MathModule if the parameter is not a Number
2 raised to the power of the number

block expm1(number)

Source: block expm1(number) Source.

Determine the value of e raised to the power a number minus one: ex-1

number : Number
the value of the exponent
final $MathNotNumber with title final $MathModule if the parameter is not a Number
e raised to the power of the number, minus one

block ilogb(number)

Source: block ilogb(number) Source.

Determine the integral part of the logarithm of x, using 2 or greater as base for the logarithm. This is the exponent used internally by the machine to express the floating-point value x, when it uses a significand between 1.0 and 2, so that, for a positive number

x = significand * 2 ^ exponent

the value returned by this function is one less than the exponent obtained with block frexp(number) (because of the different significand normalization as [1.0,2.0) instead of [0.5,1.0))

number : Number
the value whose ilogb is returned
final $MathNotNumber with title final $MathModule if the parameter is not a Number
the base-2 logarithm of the number

block log1p(number)

Source: block log1p(number) Source.

Determine the natural logarithm of one plus the number. for small magnitude values of number, block log1p(number) may be more accurate than block log(number) log( 1 + x )

number : Number
the value whose logarithm is calculated
final $MathNotNumber with title final $MathModule if the parameter is not a Number final $MathLessThanMinusOne with title final $MathModule if the parameter is less than -1 final $MathNotEqual -1 with title final $MathModule if the parameter is equals -1
the natural logarithm of ( 1 + number )

block log2(number)

Source: block log2(number) Source.

Determine the binary (base-2) logarithm of a number

number : Number
the value whose logarithm is calculated
final $MathNotNumber with title final $MathModule if the parameter is not a Number final $MathLessThan 0 with title final $MathModule if the parameter is less than 0 final $MathNotEqual -1 with title final $MathModule if the parameter is equals -1
binary logarithm of the number : log2x

block logb(number)

Source: block logb(number) Source.

Determine the the logarithm of a number, using 2 as base for the logarithm. Almost equivalent to block log2(number) for positive number

number : Number
the value whose logarithm is calculated
final $MathNotNumber with title final $MathModule if the parameter is not a Number
base 2 algorith of a nuber

block scalbln(number,exp)

Source: block scalbln(number,exp) Source.

Scales a number by 2 raised to the power of n, returning the result of computing:

scalbn(x,n) = x * 2

Presumably, the number and n are the components of a floating-point number in the system; In such a case, this block may be optimized to be more efficient than the theoretical operations to compute the value explicitly

number : Number
the value representing the significand
exp : Number
the value of the exponent
final $MathNotNumber with title final $MathModule if the parameter is not a Number
x * 2 ^ n

block hypot(x,y)

Source: block hypot(x,y) Source.

Determine what would be the square root of the sum of the squares of x and y (as per the Pythagorean theorem), but without incurring in undue overflow or underflow of intermediate values

x : Number
the floating point values corresponding to x of a right-angled triangle
y : Number
the floating point values corresponding to y of a right-angled triangle
final $MathNotNumber with title final $MathModule if the parameter is not a Number
the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle whose legs are x and y

block numsign(number)

Source: block numsign(number) Source.

Determine the sign of the number in the following format

  • If the number is greater than zero, 1.0 is returned
  • If the number is less than zero, -1.0 is returned
  • If the number is 1.0 or -1.0 the same value is returned
number : Number
the number
final $MathNotNumber with title final $MathModule if the parameter is not a Number
the sign of the number

block vmDecimalPoints(place)

Source: block vmDecimalPoints(place) Source.

By Default all decimal number in simple-lang is round down to 2 floating point. This block changes the number of floating point decimal are rounded to. Using this block make all the number through out the program have the number of floating point sent as paraneter.

place : Number
the number of floating point for all numbers
final $MathNotNumber with title final $MathModule if the parameter is not a Number

block random()

Source: block random() Source.

Generate a random number


Below are blocks exposed from the Mathic dynamic module

__sin Determine sine of a number. Use block sin(number)
__cos Determine cosine of a number. block cos(number)
__tan Determine tangent of a number. Use block tan(number)
__asin Determine arc sine of a number. Use block asin(number)
__acos Determine arc cosine of a number. Use block acos(number)
__atan Determine arc tangent of a number. Use block atan(number)
__atan2 Determine arc tangent of a number with two parameters . Use block atan2(y, x)
__sinh Determine hyperbolic sine of a number. Use block sinh(number)
__cosh Determine hyperbolic cosine of a number. Use block cosh(number)
__tanh Determine hyperbolic tangent of a number . Use block tanh(number)
__asinh Determine area hyperbolic sine of a number. Use block asinh(number)
__acosh Determine area hyperbolic cosine of a number. Use block acosh(number)
__atanh Determine area hyperbolic tangent of a number . Use block atanh(number)
__rint Round a number to integral value. Use block rint(number)
__round Round a number to nearest. Use block round(number)
__floor Round a number down. Use block floor(number)
__ceil Round a number up. Use block ceil(number)
__fmod Determine remainder of division . Use block fmod(fNumber,sNumber)
__trunc Truncate a number . Use block trunc(number)
__remainder Determine remainder of an operation. Use block remainder(fNumber,sNumber)
__exp Determine a number exponential value . Use block exp(number)
__log Determine a number natural logarithm . Use block log(number)
__log10 Determine a number common logarithm. Use block log10(number)
__frexp Get a number significand and exponent. Use block frexp(number)
__ldexp Generate value from a significand and exponent. Use block ldexp(number,exp)
__modf Break a number into fractional and integral parts. Use block modf(number)
__exp2 Determine a number binary logarithm. Use block exp2(number)
__expm1 Compute a number exponential minus one. Use block expm1(number)
__ilogb Determine a number integer binary logarithm. Use block ilogb(number)
__log1p Compute a number logarithm plus one. Use block log1p(number)
__log2 Determine a number binary logarithm . Use block log2(number)
__logb Determine a number floating-point base logarithm. Use block logb(number)
__scalbn Determine a number scale significand using floating-point base exponent. Use block scalbln(number,exp)
__scalbln Determine a number scale significand using floating-point base exponent (long). Use block scalbln(number,exp)
__pow Raise a number to a power. Use block pow(fNumber,sNumber)
__sqrt Compute a number square root. Use block sqrt(number)
__cbrt Compute a number cube root. Use block cbrt(number)
__hypot Determine a number hypotenuse value. Use block hypot(x,y)
__rand Generate a random number. Use block random()
__decimals Change the number of floating point of decimal numbers. Use block vmDecimalPoints(place)
__fabs Compute a number absolute value. Use block abs(number)
